Your family is at a dinner with some aunties and uncles.

You know, the ones who always ask what you’re doing, and not just out of concern.

Any adult appreciably older than you may be referred to as 'uncle' or 'aunty', regardless of whether they're actually related to you or not - in fact, this is the polite thing to do. Market aunty, bread-seller uncle, roti uncle, family friend aunty...

In this case, they happen to 'know' your parents, but not you. Despite this, they're about to express great interest in what you're currently doing with your life.
AUNTY:'So, she just came back from studying overseas?' UNCLE:'How was it? Much better than home, eh?' PARENT:'She can tell you about it.'

YOU:'Well, yes. There are many things that I like about being there-' AUNTY:'Oh, good, good, that's very good.' UNCLE:'What did she study? Law?'

AUNTY:‘Oh, that where you control genes and DNA?’ UNCLE:‘Good, good, we always need more scientists.’

AUNTY:‘Well my son here just got back from studying MEDICINE in IRELAND!’ UNCLE:‘And he graduated with FLY-ING COLOURS. Top of his class, ya?’

AUNTY:‘He’s going to be a DOCTOR.’ UNCLE:‘Young people like you, becoming scientists and doctors, good for us.’

AUNTY: 'He's going to be a gyneco- lolo- gist.' UNCLE: 'Always a demand for those, so confirm he'll never not have work...'

You found a quick way out of the conversation. Live to fight another day, eh? Unless you insist on continuing.